
Settled as early as 5200BC and coveted throughout its long history by the dominant power brokers of every age, Malta’s amazing natural harbours have offered safety for some and contributed to disaster for others.

The settlers were farming people, independent and self-sufficient. However, as soon as seafaring allowed greater mobility, Malta became an important port on the developing shipping routes. This began a long tradition of control from abroad by the dominant maritime power in the Mediterranean in each successive era. The Phoenicians, the Ancient Greeks, Romans, and Arabs visited or settled Malta, over the centuries.

Malta is the most southerly European country.

It is situated approximately halfway between the western and eastern ends of the Mediterranean. Malta is roughly equidistant from the shores of Sicily and North Africa. It is believed to have been attached to Sicily until the end of the last Ice Age. Consequently, sea levels rise and washed into part of the islands.

The tiny island of Malta sits at the heart of the Mediterranean Sea. Although only 316 sq km / 122 sq miles in area, its land has felt the ebb and flow of the most influential ancient cultures. Its people have witnessed pivotal moments in European history at first hand.

 The archipelago of Malta is from six islands, but only two have inhabitants. Malta, the largest, is home to more than 500 000 people, while Gozo has under ten percent of this population on an island a quarter of the size.

Malta’s climate is typically the Mediterranean 

It is with mild, rainy winters and hot, sunny summers. The Islands have a pleasantly sunny climate with a daily average of around 12 hours of sunshine in summer, going down to 5 to 6 hours in mid-winter.

The official languages of Malta are Maltese and English.

The Maltese language is the only Semitic language written in the Latin script. It is the only official Semitic language of the European Union. Originally an Arabic dialect, over the centuries it has picked up words from several other European languages. Many people also speak Italian. The currency used is Euro.

 Roman Catholicism has been the predominant religion in the country for a long time, and today an estimated 98% of the population is Catholic.


Valletta – Malta’s Capital City

Valletta, Malta’s Capital City, and World Heritage site, is nothing short of an open-air museum. The city of Valletta was officially recognized as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1980


The small and picturesque fishing village of Marsaxlokk is a tourist destination popular with its Sunday market. The traditional vessels(known as luzzus) are more than your average fishing boats.


The most prominent building in Mosta is the Rotunda, a large basilica built by its parishioners’ volunteer labor in the 18th Century. It features one of the world’s largest unsupported domes.

Rabat Catacombs

The catacombs form a typical complex of interconnected underground Roman cemeteries that were in use up to the 7th, and possibly the 8th centuries AD.

Mdina – the old capital of Malta

Mdina is one of Europe's finest examples of an ancient walled city and extraordinary in its mix of medieval and baroque architecture. Also called the Silent City this is the old capital of Malta. It is one of the most popularly visited places by travelers because there’s no place like it anywhere.

The Hypogeum of Ħal Saflieni

The Hypogeum is recognized as one of UNESCO’s World Heritage Sites for its outstanding prehistoric importance. It is the only known subterranean structure of the Bronze Age with three levels underneath each other.

The Three Cities

The Three Cities is a collective description of Vittoriosa (Birgu), Cospicua (Bormla), and Senglea (Isla).  The first home to the Knights of St. John in the 16th and 17th centuries. The Maltese also call them Cottonera, a collective name for the three medieval fortified cities in the South of Malta.

Ta’Pinu Basilica

The magnificent Ta’Pinu basilica is surrounded by breathtaking scenic views, making the church an absolute must-see on Gozo island.

The Cittadella and Victoria

Looking towards the Citadel city fortress, perched majestically on top of a hill, one can easily see how it stood sentinel over the island in the past.

The Craft Village – Ta’Qaili

The Craft Village is a big attraction for tourists, who can see Maltese craftsmen at work and view the product of their handiwork. You can take one home to remind you of Malta.

The Best Beaches in Malta

Here we list some of the best beaches in Malta, its sister island Gozo and Comino, whether you're interested in splashing around in the waves or simply crashing out on the sand.
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