Jetski Malta – Tour to Comino, Blue Lagoon & Gozo Islands

From € 134 per Jetski
Modulo di prenotazione
Data di viaggio*
Nome e Cognome*
Phone number*
Indagine /In inglese per favore /*
* Sono d'accordo con Termini di servizio e Dichiarazione sulla privacy.
Accettare tutti i termini e le condizioni prima di procedere alla fase successiva.
Seleziona un pacchetto
  • 1 Jetski - 1 person - Deposit € 15 from € 134
  • 1 Jetski - 2 persons - Deposit € 20 from € 158
  • 2 Jetskis - 2 persons - Deposit € 30 from € 268
  • 2 Jetskis - 4 persons - Deposit € 40 from € 316
  • 3 Jetskis - 3 persons - Deposit € 50 from € 407
  • 3 Jetskis - 6 persons - Deposit € 60 from € 474

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  • La garanzia del miglior prezzo
  • Tour e attività selezionati con cura


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  • 60 minutes
  • Tutti i giorni
  • Biglietto da mobile

Set off on an exhilarating journey across Malta, Comino, Blue Lagoon, and Gozo aboard a dynamic jet ski safari tour. Dive into the thrill of the open sea as you uncover hidden gems scattered around Comino, such as the renowned Blue Lagoon and Crystal Lagoon. Get ready for heart-pounding adventures and behold the breathtaking coastline and enchanting bays of Gozo. Join us for an unforgettable experience of exploration amidst the stunning Mediterranean backdrop.

Descrizione del Tour

Before you start, we’ll get you set up with everything you need. At our Cirkewwa base, a guide will equip you with a life jacket and show you the basics of jet ski handling.

We will embark from Cirkewwa on a one-hour jet ski safari adventure, immersing ourselves in Comino’s premier attractions.

On the tour, you can see places like the secluded Comino Battery Secret Cove, Santa Maria Bay and its Caves, which boast clear waters and an impressive backdrop of rock formations. As we journey to Gozo Island, you can enjoy the scenic bays of Hondoq and Zriezaq bay. After that, we will ride to the inviting clear waters of Blue Lagoon.

You should feel free to dive in, especially during the summer months, and even try snorkeling in the Crystal Lagoon, where the underwater world comes to life. After our last stop at Crystal Lagoon, we will head back to Cirkewwa Malta.

Termini e Condizioni

 Please note that this activity and route are subject to weather conditions.

Driver must be over 18 years old. No license or prior experience is needed.

The minimum age for passengers is 10 years old.

Prima di noleggiare il Jetski è necessario presentare un documento d'identità.

Non si può guidare sotto l'effetto di alcol o droghe.

The maximum weight that Jetski can hold is 160 kg.

Physical health and swimming ability are required.


A short swimming stop is included just in the summer months.

There is a possibility to store personal items.

You can send us a request if you like more Jetskis.

Abbiamo incluso una mappa di Google con un pin e una foto del luogo di partenza. È sufficiente cliccarci sopra e seguire la direzione prenotata.

Bookings are accepted till 36 hours before the tour departure or until it is fully booked!

Please arrive at the meeting point at least 30 minutes before the tour departure.

Goditi Malta 🙂

Cosa è compreso nel prezzo

  • 60 minutes Jetski
  • Carburante
  • Giubbotto di salvataggio
  • Safety instructions
  • Istruttore / Tour Leader

Price List

  • 1 Jetski for 1 person € 134
  • 1 Jetski for 2 persons € 158
  • 2 Jetskis for 2 persons € 268
  • 2 Jetskis for 4 persons € 316
  • 3 Jetskis for 3 persons € 407
  • 3 Jetskis for 6 persons € 474
  • 4 Jetskis for 4 persons € 531
  • 4 Jetskis for 8 persons € 617
  • 5 Jetskis for 5 persons € 655
  • 5 Jetskis for 10 persons € 755
Punto di partenza & ritorno
È possibile fare clic sul punto di partenza e seguire le indicazioni.

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