Wing Foiling Lessons

From € 55 per Person
Maximum 5 pax or Private
Seleccione un paquete
  • 1 hour Wing Foiling Lesson € 55Tras la reserva, el instructor se pondrá en contacto con usted para informarle de las horas disponibles.
  • 2 hours Wing Foiling Lesson € 100Tras la reserva, el instructor se pondrá en contacto con usted para informarle de las horas disponibles.

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  • ¿Por qué reservar con nosotros?
  • Mejor precio garantizado sin complicaciones
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Los billetes de móvil se aceptan en todos los recorridos

  • 1 ó 2 horas
  • Todos los días
  • Grupo reducido o Privado
  • Instructor profesional
  • Venta de entradas por móvil
  • Minimum age - 16 years old

Wing foiling in Malta is a dynamic and rapidly growing water sport that offers an exciting way to connect with the elements. Whether you’re drawn to it for the thrill of gliding effortlessly over the water or the sense of freedom it provides, it’s a fantastic addition to the world of water-based activities. So, if you’re looking for a new and adventurous way to experience the wind and waves, wing foiling might be your next great adventure on the water.

If you’d like to learn to wing foil we have lesson plans available.

Wing Foiling Lesson - 1hr

Introduction to Winging

Part One – Land Session (0-40min): Theory, safety, and how to fly and manoeuvre the Wing on land, standing up (water start simulation)

Part Two – Water Session 1 (41-60min): Learning to Wing on a paddle board – starting position of board and wing, how to kneel, power and depowering the Wing, turning ( jibes).

Wing Foiling Lesson - 2hr

Wing Foiling 

Part One – Land Session (0-30min): Theory,  setting up the wing, safety, how to fly and manoeuvre the wing on land 

Part Two – Water Session 1 (31-60min): – Power and depowering the Wing, starting position (kneeling to water start ) wing and board position in the water, basic sailing on non-foiling board (sup) and basic jibe.

Part Three – Water Session 2 (61-120min): Introduction to sailing upwind, sailing crosswind and downwind,  and turning (tacks and jibes), setting the foil, learning to wing on a foilboard , pumping the wing to pick up speed and first flights.


For those with experience in wing foiling, this lesson can also be tailored to those who want to improve a particular skill like jibing or improve sailing upwind.

Descuentos para grupos, previa solicitud.

Se aceptan reservas hasta 12 horas antes o hasta que se complete el aforo. Se ruega reservar con antelación.

El punto de encuentro está marcado en el siguiente mapa.

Hora de inicio

Tras la reserva, el instructor se pondrá en contacto con usted para informarle de las horas disponibles.

1 hour Lesson Includes

  • Instructor profesional
  • Basic safety
  • Setting of the wing
  • Wing control on land
  • Wing control on big board (sup)
  • Steering the board
  • Standing up on the board
  • Sailing in different directions on the board (taxiing)
  • Jibing on the board (non-foiling board)

2 hours Lessons Includes

  • Instructor profesional
  • Basic safety
  • Setting of the wing
  • Wing control on land
  • Wing control on big board (sup)
  • Steering the board
  • Standing up on the board
  • Sailing in different directions on the board (taxiing)
  • Tacking and Jibing on the board
  • Setting up the foil
  • Sailing on board (foil board) with the hydrofoil
  • First flights
Punto de encuentro
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