Privacy Policy


General Introduction

We understand the importance of keeping the information about you that you entrust to us confidential and secure (“Customer Information”). The information we collect may include your personal information, in other words, information capable of identifying you as a particular individual, such as your name, passport or ID number (for travelling abroad), phone number, room number, email address, Internet protocol (IP) address,  credit card information (“Personal Data”). We, therefore, make it our highest priority to ensure that we look after your Customer Information and use it responsibly. By making use of our booking platform or by providing your Customer Information to us or our third-party service providers through the use of the platform, over the telephone, by email, or another communication method, you accept and consent to the collection, storage, and processing of your Customer Information as described in this Privacy Policy – which means that you are unambiguously giving us your consent for us to process your personal data as may be necessary for the transactions that you will enter into with us.

What Personal Information do we collect and how?

We collect Customer Information supplied by you and use it to provide you with personalized and secure service to offer you a truly rewarding online experience. We may collect Personal Information about you:

– when you purchase products and/or services 
– when you contact us or our customer services personnel
– from third party sources, for example, credit checking agencies

 Examples of Personal Information we collect in each case are :

Purchaser Information – You provide us with your name, hotel address, credit card details, including card number, card type, cardholder name, expiry date, billing address, and delivery details when you place an order through our technological platform.

Contacting us – When you contact us by email, phone, or post, for example dealing with our customer service personnel, you provide us with your Personal Information.

Implicit data capture

In addition to the information which you may volunteer to us, certain Customer Information is automatically collected when you visit our website. Our platform makes use of tracking technologies employed by us from time to time such as cookies, flash cookies, web bugs, etc. These collect Customer Information including technical information from your computer whenever you visit our website, such as your Internet protocol (IP) address, your operating system and platform, browser type and version, and referrer website as well as providing us with information about viewed/searched – for products and on site activity. The information collected by cookies and other tracking methods placed by us is anonymous and does not contain your Personal Information, but will simply identify you as a specific number by reference to your hard drive. If you are a wireless user and gain Internet access via a mobile device, you should contact your wireless service provider to find out if they collect Personal Information about you.

Data collected from other sources

We may obtain additional information about you from third parties to supplement our account information to the extent permitted by law. This includes demographic and navigation data, credit check data, and other information from credit agencies, to the extent permitted by law.


Our booking platform uses cookies (small text files containing a unique identification number).

Session cookies – These are used to maintain something called session state. If you consider your journey through the website as a conversation with us, this cookie reminds the site where we are in that conversation. Session cookies are required for the website to function but are not used in any way to identify you personally.

Permanent cookies – When you visit our website, we will assign a permanent cookie on the hard drive of your computer. You can view these by looking in the cookies directory of your browser installation. As the name implies, permanent cookies last for a long time, and each time you visit our website you send us a copy of them, allowing us to identify you from a visit to visit. Cookies do not contain any Personal Information, for example, your name, address, email address, or telephone number, but simply a unique identification number that identifies your computer to us.

Opting out

Although you cannot block ‘session’ cookies as they are required for our website to function correctly, you can configure your Internet browser so that it can reject both ‘permanent’ and ‘third party’ cookies. How you do this will depend upon the Internet browser you use. Please refer to the relevant Internet browser manufacturer’s website, where you should be able to receive all the information you need.

Information from other sources

We may receive information about you from other sources, for example from credit reference agencies to guard against fraud or from third parties engaged for record correction purposes etc.

How do we use your Customer Information?

We will use your Customer Information for a number of different purposes, including:

For fulfilling orders – When you place an order for a tour or services via websites accessed through our booking platform, we will use your purchase information to process the requested transaction, fulfil your order and pass on this information to the relevant suppliers.

For responding to queries – We may use your Customer Information to respond to your queries, for example, about an order or problems navigating the websites making use of our platform. In order to address your query, you may be contacted by email, over the telephone, or another communication method by a member of one of our customer services teams. We may also use your contact details to send you follow-up information about a booking (for example, regarding changes to booked travel or unavoidable travel disruptions affecting your journey, in order to help you make alternative travel arrangements). We may contact you via email, phone, or another communication channel to respond to suggestions you may send to us (for example about our platform, about the tours and services).

For improving your booking experience – We use the information gathered from your permanent cookie file (see Cookies above) in conjunction with other Customer Information provided by you so that we can create a more effective website by assessing content and traffic flows on the site. We use this information to provide you with a more personalised experience on the website, help you to navigate the site effortlessly, and to display particular tours and services that we believe may be of interest to you.

For internal operations and analysis – We may also use your Customer Information for internal administration, analysis, and quality assurance purposes, including fraud prevention.

We use your Customer Information to help us guard against fraud. When you make a booking or purchase products or services offered through our platform, we will automatically pass certain Customer Information which you provide to us (for example, your name, credit card, billing address details) to third party credit reference agencies, payment processors, or other third parties for the specific purpose of verifying that information.

How do we keep your Customer Information secure?

We operate in accordance with relevant data protection legislation. We use leading technologies and security measures (electronic, physical and procedural) to ensure the safety and confidentiality of your Customer Information through collection, storage, and disclosure. Such measures include maintaining a secure encryption-based transmission system, intrusion detection, and prevention software, and virus protection software in respect of Customer Information.

Social networks

Our website contains links to social networks (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and YouTube). These social networks are operated exclusively by third parties. If you follow the links, information may be transmitted to these third parties. We use the so-called 2-click solution. This means, in general, that no personal data will be passed on if you visit our site.

Deletion of data

We retain data for the duration of your business relationship with us and otherwise as required under applicable law. Personal data will be kept for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which your personal data are processed. We will retain your personal data as long as you require our services so that we can provide these services to you.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time and will notify you of any changes by displaying the revised Privacy Policy on our website.

Last update : 27/02/2024

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